Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Why I Like Eggs

I like eggs, and I'm sure a lot of you guys do too. But just because, I'm going to tell you why I think eggs are better than most.

First, eggs are tasty. You can cook eggs in so many ways and eat it in so many other ways. Want a sandwich? Add an egg. Want a burger? Add an egg! Salad, rice, soup? Add an egg! Because they are so simple its usually a staple in everyone's kitchen. Some might say, "but hold on, isn't there a lot of cholesterol in an egg?" Yes there is. Almost your full day's amount. But it's easy to make egg whites too! All you have to do is:

  1. Crack the egg as close to the middle as possible. Don't let the insides out yet.
  2. Complete the break with one egg shell empty and one with the inside.
  3. Pass the egg back and forth over the pan until all you have left in the shells is the yolk.
  4. Throw away shells and yolk.
Now you have your egg whites super fast! Mind you they  cook way faster than the whole egg.

Second, is the egg's nutritional background. For 70 Calories a piece, you get almost 7 grams of the highest quality proteins possible along with vitamins and minerals. They've got some fat, but only 1 gram of saturated fat. When you eliminate the yolk, you also eliminate the fat, cholesterol, at only the price of about half the protein value (and the calorie count goes down to 16!). Unfortunately, you lose almost all the vitamin and mineral profile except for sodium and potassium. My view on it is, if cholesterol is not a major concern for you (i.e. heart disease, high blood pressure, etc.) eat that yolk whether it is sunny side up or hard boiled. For a more precise chart go here. All these values promote a high recovery and muscle building breakfast. Crack two eggs and make some toast and you're looking at the easiest breakfast with minimal clean up and tasty value.

Third, is the price of eggs. Literally my favorite part. One egg will be less than 15 cents and every grocery store will have eggs. So that breakfast I mentioned before? Probably will cost you 50 cents in the end. On top of all of this, eggs last forever. I always go by the 3 week rule. Once I buy the eggs, they will last 3 weeks. They could probably last longer with proper refrigeration, but I play it safe. So what about cage free? organic? What I've found with these eggs, and you can see too by looking at the labels, is that they have an almost identical nutrient profile but taste way better. How do you tell the quality of the egg? After cracking, how tall is the yolk? That's how.

I'm hungry...I can only talk about food for so long without needing some myself. Questions below!

1 comment:

  1. what i have noticed is that many grocery stores keep eggs in the back, forcing you to walk through the rest of the store full of food to get the eggs. conspiracy!
