Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Banana

Let me tell you some fun things about bananas that you may or may not know.

Did you know bananas have a nice high amount of potassium? This potassium is a specific electrolyte needed in order to help your muscles function in the ways you intend. When dehydrated after practice, during the day or just afterwaking up (when everyone is dehydrated) a banana is a great thing to add to drinking water. Because it is a natural source of the stuff, the potassium gets absorbed nice and easily into the system. Hooray body.

Did you know that bananas are awesome to add to anything? Try making a smoothie, adding to the top of oatmeal, using old bananas to make banana bread, putting peanut butter on the top of a banana, or even warming one up in the oven and adding some whipped cream for a tasty dessert that's also nutritious.

Did you know that bananas are very low in fat, give about 1 gram of protein and 24 grams of carbohydrate? The types of carbohydrates you will find in the banana are low glycemic carbs that will give you longer lasting energy over time. This makes a nice profile in the snack category anyday! Plus the high amount of vitamin B6 will give you a slight energy boost too. Mmmmm...B6...

Did you know you can make your bananas ripen faster real easily? Take a brown lunch bag and but a cleaned banana and either a tomato or an apple in the bag and seal it tight. Leave it in a cool dry area and the ethylene gas produced by the tomato/apple will cause the banana to ripen faster. MIND BLOWN.

Bananas are cool, huh?

1 comment:

  1. This was an awesome blog Tom! I love bananas even more now!
