When I got back to Italy, my brand new computer decided to not work. At all. The thing won't even open to my desktop. On top of that, we didn't have any internet until just yesterday when I went and bought some. It's been a little bit of a headache, but I am now back in working order using my friends free netbook.
Now that I am actually back, what would everyone like our focus to be? I think that this blog should have a focus for the new year and second half of my season (basketball).
Speaking of focus, this is an important concept to grasp before trying to accomplish goals. Without focus goals are lazily done or forgotten about. Focus can be a couple of things:
- Hardy mindset to get through what you desire
- A system which rewards the person when good things are done
- A piece of paper with the goal written on it in a very open spot
- Friends working with you cooperatively
- Variation in accomplishing your goal in order to keep things fresh
Check out this article that RD Connie Mallette comments in! She talks about not making too hard of goals and being flexible, kind of like what I said!