Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Chia Seeds

I have heard a bit on chia seeds and some of my teammates in the past have used them in their diet saying that they like them and they seem to help. Time for me to look into chia seeds I guess!

First things first. I know chia seeds seem like they should not be eaten but put on the back of a potted figurine to make a chia pet. But they are edible. And they are good for you. Chia seeds are considered a super food. In essence they are nuts, high in omega 3 fatty acids. They are also high in fiber, protein, calcium, phosphorus, and zinc. This is pretty typical for most nuts. Because they are so small, it is easy to add them to nearly anything.

To use chia seeds, try adding them like you would add nuts to any of your foods. Sprinkle it on salads, mix it in with your muffins, mix it in yogurt or oatmeal or cereal. They have a mild, nutty flavor, so it shouldn't change the flavor of your foods too much. You can't really mess this up. They don't need to be altered in order to be eaten, it's up to you. There are recipes you can find online that have chia seeds in them. Try any of these ideas.

For the most part, research on chia seeds is still in process. This goes for many foods! (ugh) What has been rumored is that chia seeds' high fiber content is good for digestion. Also, because of the high amount of good fats (omega-3s, specifically alpha-linoleic acid) these nuts could possibly help in lowering cholesterol levels and increasing heart health.

What teammates have said (and the main reason they use the seeds) is that drinking or eating the seeds helps them stay hydrated. This makes sense! If you've ever mixed chia with water, it forms a gel like substance because the seeds retain water so well. So it doesn't seem completely unbelievable that chia seeds can keep you hydrated longer and keep electrolytes in your body longer. It makes sense to try using chia seeds when preparing for long distance or endurance runs in your sport.

I'm still really curious about these super seeds! Let me know what you think or what you have heard!


  1. Tom, you should read the book, "Born To Run". Absolutely phenomenal book about ultra marathoners and the Tarahumara tribe in Mexico who run 100's of miles in sandals without stopping. They eat chia seeds as part of their diet! My roommate (who's done an iron man) swears by them too...

  2. Sounds like a sweet read! And I saw in my own research online about the runners in Mexico using the seeds. Sounds like they really are superfoods! I always watched my teammates drink the seeds in water. I couldn't do that! It's way too jelly...
