Wednesday, April 24, 2013


So I'd like to clear up a thought on people looking to lose weight/maintain weight.

Your energy level is like a balance. On one side you have Calories and on the other side you have energy expenditure. A balance with Calories weighed down to the floor will lead to weight gain. If the balance is even and floating, you are maintaining weight. If the energy expenditure is pushed down into the ground, you can look forward to shedding some weight over the long run.

It's a simple concept, but it does take some explaining. A lot of people get caught up in what they are eating: carbs vs. fat, protein vs. carbs, fruits vs. grains, etc.What I want people to understand is that when it comes to weight, the Calorie is the decider, not the type of food you are eating. You can eat 1200 Calories of fat or 1200 Calories of carbs, and they will produce similar weight gain/loss responses. The reason people talk so much about eating one over the other is because it makes the dieting process easier. Basically, it's not the answer, it's a guiding hand to the overall goal: decreasing Calories and increasing energy expenditure.

Your body automatically keeps you warm and breathing and flowing. This uses up the majority of your Calories. How sweet is that? You do nothing and can burn Calories away. Did you know it even takes Calories to be able to eat your food? That's energy expenditure (mind you this one is very small). While you sleep? Burning Calories, just at a much lower level (think hibernation). Here's the downside to it: your body can still eat or drink more than what it needs do to hunger and pleasurable foods.

So, what am I trying to tell you? Try eating everyday based off of your activity level. If you have a big tournament coming up, stock up and eat hearty to get large stores of energy ready to sue in the games. If you have an "off" day and have nothing more to do than daily work, lighten you lunch and dinner. If you are trying to lose weight, and lose a lot of it, fuel yourself for productive exercise but still keep the meals of the day modest.

Listen to your body. It's an amazing tool to you. It will tell you when you are hungry and when you are full. We have to be able to recognize when we no longer need/want to be eating food. Having this "sixth sense" will help you understand that you don't need to pack the stomach full every time. Remember, there is always another day to enjoy the extra food you really want to add on to your meals.

As a couple of helpful tips:
  • Watch out with "seconds." Ask yourself if you are really still hungry or just desiring unneeded Calories
  • Have you worked out today? Will you actually go work out later? If the answer is yes, think about how you want to eat in preparation
  • Don't reward yourself for doing exercise with food. Reward yourself with a TV show/movie, new shoes, concert tickets, etc.
  • Try to not count Calories. Instead listen to your body for its natural signal to stop. Consciously pay attention and give your body time to think about what you just ate.
  • If you must, count Calories to see how many you normally get. Then decrease to a comfortable level where you aren't crying for food, but also not in a food coma after every time you eat.
Understanding your body is always the first step to a healthy diet and lifestyle!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

100th Post Extravaganza!

100 Posts!

That's pretty sweet.

I've had a lot of fun writing for you guys, and even though I have slowed down quite a bit as I've gotten busier in life, I will continue to write when I have time! I love my fans, and I love helping people with nutrition even more.

Now for this post I'd like to do something fun. Over the last 99 posts, I have learned a TON of new info about foods, recipes, studies, and life. Here is my list of my favorite new "life tips" when it comes to living your life and eating well!

  • Put sriracha on everything. It's obviously good on all Asian food, but it's also great on all vegetables and when combined with hummus
  • Buy a crock pot. A big one. This way you can make "dump and set" recipes and have so many tasty leftovers you'll never look back
  • Keep a large water bottle with you at all times and always filled. Also, keep a large pack of waters in your car as an easy go to when thirsty
  • Don't pop ibuprofen all the time. It's not good for your stomach and liver! Drink water or eat a snack instead
  • Eat one serving of yogurt a day. Your intestines will thank you
  • Always take your multivitamin (if you have one) right after eating breakfast, lunch, or dinner!
  • Refuel after a long practice with a beer! the carbohydrates will help in recovery and the alcohol involved will settle a "sour" post-workout stomach
  • Didn't work out today? Cut back how much you eat at dinner
  • Olive oil and balsamic vinegar is the best combination ever to put on a salad. Don't argue
  • Spend the extra dollar when eating out to get the side salad or the healthier meal
  • The majority of the beneficial nutrients in an egg is in the yolk (half the protein, and almost all the vitamins and minerals). Just watch for the high cholesterol content
  • EVERYTHING in moderation (seriously, eat whatever you want, just not 18 of them)
  • Always put extra fresh vegetables on your frozen pizzas
And lastly, make sure you try something new every week! Food is meant to be fun, so explore your taste buds, share your cooking expertise, and try the new restaurant. You'll come to understand (as I have) that just by simply learning about all parts of food, you will be eating better, healthier, and tastier meals and feel great about it!

Thanks for reading my blog! See you guys at 200 articles ;)

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Resolution Ideas

Sorry about the long gap of no posts! I dropped the ball there...Got a little busy as I went on Christmas break and started working on Dietetic Internship applications. I hope everyone's holiday was awesome and packed with tasty foods like mine was :)

So when the New Year turns, many decide the healthier lifestyle (if even for just a little bit). To keep things simple in this post, I have some ideas for what your 2013 goal can be. Remember to be specific and realistic!

  • Cook one new item per week at home or with friends
  • Limit eating out to 1 or 2 times weekly (minus emergencies)
  • Carry around a water bottle and continually drink and refill the bottle with good ol H2O
  • Try one new food item per day/week/month (like kale or pomegranate or quinoa)
  • Only one caffeinated drink per day and before noon
  • Only one soda per day and/or switch from regular soda to diet soda
  • Download a food tracking app like and log in all meals (set an alarm to do so before going to bed)
  • Only one meal with animal protein per day (great way to increase amount of fruits and vegetables in your diet)
  • When eating out, only water or milk is chosen as a drink, and the side item cannot be fried
  • Eat breakfast everyday, no excuses!
  • Having portable food that can be eaten quickly after exercise if there isn't enough time to prepare food after. (Trail mix, Gatorade, banana, yogurt, milk, milkshake, jerky) 
These are just some ideas I riddled off. If you work hard enough right now at making these new goals part of your diet, they can be adapted into habit and you will be a huge step forward in your diet!

Also, check out my article in the current issue of Sports N Spokes! It discusses more in depth about your diet resolution. Happy Eating in 2013!